Quantumwave is pleased to introduce our revolutionary new line of cold lasers. All of our soft laser systems are portable handheld units designed to be used by lay persons or professionals alike. All of our lasers come with a rechargeable ac adapter and users manual.
All of our quantum healing cold lasers use our unique new violet soft laser crystal spectrum technology and our patent pending Scalarwave Laser technology and capabilities.
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Scalarwave Laser - Main Unit
All of our quantum healing cold lasers use our unique new violet soft laser crystal spectrum technology and our patent pending Scalarwave Laser technology and capabilities.

Red Probe 650nm
A plug in probe which is designed to work with and be driven by the Scalarwave Laser main unit (above). This probe has a 100 mw 650 nm laser diode built into a nice case and plugs into the main unit. It is powered and driven by the main unit. Pulsars all have laser diode unique violet LED's and revolutionary patented scalarwave technology. This is a surface wavelength.

Infra Red Probe 780nm
A plug in probe which is designed to work with and be driven by the Scalarwave Laser main unit (above). This probe has a 100 mw 780 nm laser diode built into a nice case and plugs into the main unit. It is powered and driven by the main unit. Pulsars all have laser diode, unigue violet LED's and revolutionary patented scalarwave technology. This is deeper wavelength.

The Vioplusar is a first of its kind violet laser diode probe. This plug in probe is designed to work and be driven by the Scalarwave Laser main unit (above). This probe has a 100 mw 405 nm laser diode built into a nice case and plugs into the main unit. It is powered and driven by the main unit. Pulsars all have, unique violet LED's and revolutionary patented scalarwave technology. This a non linear wavelength.